Create new project remembering to name the project and ensuring that the proposed path has read/write access for your user account.
Click Devices & networks then Add new device, here you can add your Controller. We will be selecting the first Unspecified CPU 1200 option. Ensure Open device view is ticked then click Add.
A wireframe outline of a PLC will be shown. Ensure the PLC is connected and powered up then click detect.
Tip: If you do not have the PLC trainer available at this stage you can continue with your tag table and programming, then return to complete the process later.
Set the interface type to PN/IE then select your ethernet interface (this may be greyed out if only one device is detected). Now click Start search.
If the PC is able to see the PLC it should appear as a compatible device. Click the detected device then click Detect.
You should be prompted to Assign IP address, click Yes to continue with the device setup.
Once complete returning to the devices tab should show a fully rendered PLC image. The image below doesn't show the plug in analogue module but ensure yours does if fitted.
You are now ready to start populating your tag table and programming your PLC.
Tip: If you are presented with a security setting screen we highly recommend adjusting the security settings to suit a training environments. This involved the following three steps;
- Set the password protection to off (unticked).
- Allow (tick) legacy communication.
- Set Access control to no protection (full access).