Home Screen

You may have noticed that your controller home screen differs from that shown in the learning materials. This is due to a firmware update that is present on more recent controllers which may also have been applied to your existing controllers during a DFU Recovery operation.

The new home screen effectively bypasses the original ERP home screen options and takes you directly to the point where you can load your program.

Original Home Screen:

New Home Screen:

USB Ports

Controllers now have two USB ports on the base of the unit. These are clearly marked with the port in the middle of the unit used for both charging and connection to the Keiro application.

Programming with Chromebooks

Programming Produino controllers from Chromebooks can only be performed using Bluetooth connection. If you have the PRODUINO 32 home screen then Bluetooth will be set to on by default. If you have the ERP home screen then you can toggle Bluetooth on and off in the settings menu.

Chromebook application fails to load
The Keiro software now requires an active internet connection to verify your user account. Without internet connectivity the application may hang with a blank blue screen. To resolve the problem connect to WiFi then relaunch the application.

If this does not resolve the problem. perform a Force Stop* of the software then relaunching should help. 


*right click / 2 finger tap on the app icon, click ‘App Info’ then select the Force Stop option. You can also perform a cache clear from the same screen.